Sunday, August 5, 2007

Peer Pressure Did Us In!

All of our friends are doing it. My sister's doing it. Even my mom is doing it! That's right. We've been peer pressured into starting our own blog...that and the fact that we're just finishing major home renovations on a pit we bought last November that everyone wants to see pictures of AND that we're expecting our first baby this September. So, OK, I give in, but don't expect near daily updates like that Sen fellow! I'll make our first official post as soon as I get 5 minutes away from working on the soon as the baby arrives, whichever comes first.


Christy said...


Bipin Sen said...

Here's kudos from the Sen fellow! It was nice to see pictures of you guys on Christy's camera/blog!!

Christy said...

how much longer 'til the next post????? all I do is sit at my computer, staring at your blog, and clicking "refresh" over and over...and over...and nothing is changing...

heehee :)